Anchorage Reentry Coalition Documents
An informational brochure about the Anchorage Reentry Coalition.
A summative 2-page document containing some broad demographic data about correctional populations in Alaska and about who is releasing from DOC to Anchorage.
A report generated that examines various aspects of the local community that may play a factor
in the reentry process for those returning to Anchorage.
An infographic containing data and information about the impacts of incarceration in Alaska, and about reentry.
Word Cloud Graphic
An infographic containing qualitative data and information about what will aid reentrants in their reentry, and help keep them in the community.
Inmate Reentry Survey
A brief summary of the results from the Inmate Reentry Survey which highlights some of the potential
needs of individuals when they return to the community.
Substance Use Treatment Options for Anchorage Guide
coalition-produced guide for SUD treatment options in Anchorage with information for reentrants and individuals involved in the criminal justice system. Latest update: March, 2019. This is not an authoritative guide. *2025 Update to Follow!
Star Packs (Informational Letter, 2018 PDF; List of items inside the packs; 2019 PDF) In the past, the Coalition collected basic essential to give to reentrants releasing back to the community with little to no possessions or resources. The document contains information about the project, describes who receives the supplies, and lists what goes into each pack. Donations are warmly accepted!
Other Relevent Documents & Resources
The Alaska Community Reentry Manual Ver. 4.1 (PDF; 2020) - This manual is a toolkit for coalition leaders, members, coordinators and case managers for conducting the work of the Alaska Community Reentry Program, a statewide effort to reduce recidivism to corrections through partnerships, supports and services to address the complex needs of prisoners reentering their communities.
Alaska Reentry Partnership Website - The Alaska Reentry Partnership is a collaboration of individuals, organizations, community advocates, and public entities that support success before, during, and after incarceration.